1 instruct( )
2 establish( )
3 mention( )
4 resign( )
5 gain( )
1 come into( )
2 make a difference( )
3 play a role( )
4 distinguish A from B( )
5 put up with~( )
(3)次の会話文の( )にあてはまる語句を答えましょう。
A: Was your father born here in America?
B: No, my father moved here from England when he was a child. Most of his ( ) still live there.
1 ingredients 2 residents 3 relatives 4 pictures
(4)次の文の( )にあてはまる語句を書きましょう。
He forgot about the fact that water boils at 100 degrees.
1boils 2 boil 3 boiled 4 had boiled