



 1 supply(     )

 2 produce(    )

 3 employ(    )

 4 prove(     )

 5 appear(     )


 1 be similar to~(    )

 2 for instance(     )

 3 without fail(     )

 4 because of(     )

 5 after all(     )

(3)次の会話の(     )当てはまる語句を1~4から選びましょう。

 A: I spoke with Mike on the phone yesterday.

 B: Mike really loves baseball, doesn’t he?

 A: Yeah. But he said that (                 )

 B: Oh, that’s too bad. I hope he can play baseball again soon.

 1 his baseball practices were really hard.

 2 his coach was nice.

 3 he is interested in soccer lately.

 4 he’s in the hospital because of a foot injury.

(4)次の(   )にあてはまる語句を1~4から選びましょう。

 I think George is a very capable and clever person. If I (    ) in your position, I would hire him.

  1 do      2 did       3 have       4 were



