1 demand
2 suppose
3 complicate
4 withdraw
5 harvest
1 be in fashion
2 stand out
3 be conscious of
4 be engaged in
5 for the benefit of
(3)次の会話の( )に入る語句を1~4から選びましょう。
A:Did George buy a new car again? He just bought his current car a year ago.
B:Yes, he is very ( ). His salary is high and increases year by year.
1 on duty 2 in fashion 3 well off 4 considerate of
(4)次の文の( )に当てはまる語句を1~4から選びましょう。
The day was stormy, and what was ( ), it was raining heavily.
1 less 2 least 3 much 4 worse