1 habit( )
2 aquarium( )
3 middle( )
4 scissors( )
5 sentence( )
1 shake hands with~( )
2 pick up~( )
3 be good at~( )
4 in front of~( )
5 be famous for~( )
(3)次の( )にあてはまる語句の番号を答えましょう。
A: I think Mike’s plan is better than Bob’s.
B: ( ). Mike always has excellent ideas.
1 Probably not 2 Me, neither 3 I agree 4 I don’t like it.
(4)次の( )にあてはまる語句の番号を答えましょう。
I’m very hungry now. I was ( ) busy to have lunch today.
1 too 2 how 3 that 4 which